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Planning Board Minutes 09/06/2016
   Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, September 6, 2016

Members Present:
Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara DVM., Stan Brehm, Jeff Jordan, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Craig McIntosh, Matt Cole, Michael Williams and Kristy Barnouski, Secretary.

Others present: Roger & Rene Brooks and other members of the public.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:35pm

Conceptual meeting-10 Chichester Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks came before the Planning Board to discuss a property they are interested in buying and putting multiple accessory dwellings on site. The property is located on 10 Chichester Lane and falls into the Commercial Village Zoning district.  Currently there are two lots.  One is an empty lot and the other has a home on the property with an undocumented “in-law” apartment and a barn that the Brooks wish to build an accessory dwelling in.  The property has a fifty foot right away.  

The Brooks stated that they were aware of the new Senate Bill 146 that had passed and will take effect in 2017 allowing every homeowner to have an accessory dwelling.  

The Board stated that they acknowledge that the change is coming in 2017, however that allows for one accessory dwelling on the property, not multiple.  

Mr. Brehm stated that the Brooks would have the unique situation of being in the commercial zone so they could do a full Site Plan Review and have a multifamily which that zone allows for.  This requires the property owner to have acreage but not road frontage.

Mrs. Brooks asked how the two lots could be combined.

Mrs. Barnouski advised Mrs. Brooks that a voluntary lot merger could be done with the appropriate paperwork.  

Mr. Moore stated that he saw no advantage to doing a lot merger and would consider leaving it two separate lots.  

Mr. Brooks asked if they would be able to share a septic with the barn if they made that into the accessory dwelling.  

The Board stated that shared septic’s are allowed, but it would need to be approved by NHDES.  

The Board advised Mr. & Mrs. Brooks that they have two options. One option being that due to the property being within the Commercial Village, they could pursue making their property into a multifamily requiring a full Site Plan Review. Option two would be removing the undocumented “in-law” apartment from the property and building an accessory dwelling in the barn up to code under the accessory dwelling ordinance.    

Pound Road- abutter complaint
Mr. Anderson who is an abutter to Pound Road stated that he had some issues with people trying to access Pound Road through his property.  He thought it might be an issue that could be taken up with the Planning Board.  Mr. Anderson is currently building on his lot at 86 Center Road and have had people driving up his driveway and parking behind his excavator.  Some have also been very confrontational.    He has now posted his land.  

Mrs. Barnouski explained to the Planning Board that after doing some deed research the Town has found that Pound Road does not run through Mr. Anderson’s property and over the years people have used the driveway access since his lot was previously empty.  Pound Rd actually follows the stone wall along his property and the Road which is class VI has become overgrown and unmaintained with fallen trees blocking access.

The Planning Board advised Mr. Anderson to call the police if someone is unwelcomed on his land.  They also suggested a sign may be placed to inform people of this change.  Mrs. Barnouski will place this item on the agenda for the September 20, 2016 Board of Selectmen meeting.

Zoning Calendar-
Mr. Moore brought to the attention of the Board that the Zoning Amendment Calendar has been posted and the deadline for changes are rapidly approaching. He posed the question to the Board, what items needed to be changed?  

Two items in particular came up. The first being that our zoning needs to match the new Senate Bill 146 regarding accessory dwellings. Secondly, that the wording of the new flag ordnance needs to be rectified to be in compliance with Federal Law.

Mr. Williams recommended that the Board look at the zoning for the Town of Hollis as we move forward and rework our zoning.


Next Meeting-
The next meeting will be held on October 6, 2016.

Master Plan Update-
Mr. Williams stated that he has sent out letters to the committees that are currently in the Master Plan asking them to update their current chapter and have a submission no later than November 1, 2016.  

When all chapters are received and updated the Master Plan Committee will submit the draft to the Planning Board for review.  

Mr. Brehm stated that he feels the Town Attorney should also review the Master Plan draft.   

Adjournment-Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Ms. Davis to adjourn the meeting at 7:32pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski
Not approved until signed.

Chairman Kevin Mara